classic game design cover

Classic Game Design, Second Edition

You too can learn to design and develop classic arcade video games like PongPac-ManSpace Invaders, and Scramble. Collision detection, extra lives, power ups, and countless other essential design elements were invented by the mostly anonymous designers at the early pioneering companies that produced these great games. In this book you’ll go step by step, using modern, free software tools such as Unity to create five games in the classic style, inspired by retro favorites like: PongBreakoutSpace InvadersScramble, and Pac-Man. All the source code, art, and sound sources for the projects are available on the companion files. You’ll discover the fun of making your own games, putting in your own color graphics, adjusting the scoring, coding the AI, and creating the sound effects. You’ll gain a deep understanding of the roots of modern video game design: the classics of the ’70s and ’80s.


COMING SOON: Resources, Videos, etc.

Available at Amazon

Cover for 2D Game Development

2D Game Development with Unity  

This book teaches beginners and aspiring game developers how to develop 2D games with Unity. Thousands of commercial games have been built with Unity. The reader will learn the complete process of 2D game development, step by step. The theory behind each step is fully explained. The book contains numerous color illustrations and access to all source code companion videos

Key Features:

·       Fully detailed game projects from scratch. Beginners can do the steps and create games right away.

·       No coding experience is necessary. Numerous examples take a raw beginner towards professional coding proficiency in C# and Unity.

·       Includes a thorough introduction to Unity 2020, including 2D game development, prefabs, cameras, animation, character controllers, lighting and sound.

·       Includes a step by step introduction to Unity 2019.3. Extensive coverage of GIMP, Audacity and MuseScore for the creation of 2D graphics, sound effects, and music.

·       All required software is free to use for any purpose including commercial applications and games.


Available now at Amazon.

3D Game Development with Unity

This book teaches beginners and aspiring game developers how to develop 3D games with Unity. This book combines a practical, step-by-step approach with explanations of the underlying theory that are reinforced with hundreds of screenshots and several larger projects.

Building on the knowledge developed in 2D Game Development for Unity, this book uses the Blender software for 3D modelling and texturing, GIMP for 2D art, Audacity for sound effects, and MuseScore for music composition and notation. Readers can follow the step-by-step guides and create an introductory racing game, a 3D maze game, and a 3D FPS adventure game as they progress through the chapters. The book contains numerous color illustrations and online access to easily downloadable game assets, code, and project files.

Written to be accessible and easy to follow, this book will be a valuable resource to both beginner and aspiring game developers that want to develop 3D games with Unity.

Available now at Amazon.

Here is a sample image from the book “3D Game Development with Unity”, available now. It’s the sequel to the “2D Game Development with Unity” book, both by yours truly, Franz Lanzinger. It’s with 3D that Unity and Blender really shine. This image shows the mesh for a racetrack, built using Blender 2.92 and GIMP.

Here is another image from the 3D book. The car and the terrain are also built in Blender and then imported into Unity. The entire game is built in a single introductory chapter. The rest of the book contains a 3D remake of DotGame from the 2D book and a brand new 3D adventure game.


Below are screenshots from the 3D remake of DotGame. The main character, Dottima, as well as the books, the spikers, and the robots are now rendered in real-time 3D rather than prerendered.

DotGame 3D Screenshot